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Mental Health Update

July 15, 2021
Mental Health Update

MH Update – 7/15/21 – Upcoming Workshop for Families: Culture, Family & Mental Health

Culture, Family & Mental Health:
A Family Strengthening Workshop for Immigrant/POC Parents & Caregivers

Friday, July 30th
11:00AM – 12:00PM (EST)

For parents and caregivers, supporting youth with mental health challenges
can be incredibly daunting, especially when so much stigma and silence
surrounds mental health in cultural communities.

This workshop aims to demystify conversations about mental health for
immigrant families & families of color, and address common cultural
misconceptions about mental health.

The workshop will explore common stresses experienced by youth of color and
immigrant children/children of immigrants including immigration stress,
acculturation stress, race-based traumatic stress, intergenerational
trauma, familial conflict, pressures to succeed, bullying, etc. Parents and
caregivers will be guided through practical intercultural and
intergenerational communication strategies to help you talk to your child
about mental health. Attendees will reflect on how their culture &
community can serve as a source of strength to support the family’s
collective mental health; and be challenged to lead by example through role
modeling mentally healthy habits for the whole family.

The workshop facilitator, Michelle Garcia, will share lived experiences as
a child of Asian American immigrants, a trauma survivor, and mental health
educator for AAPI/BIPOC communities.

Help us share with more families and caregivers!