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Support MHANYS

The Mental Health Association in New York State, Inc. (MHANYS)  plays an active role in all levels of mental health advocacy and education, affecting positive changes in health care and public awareness. Grounded in a public health approach, MHANYS works to increase mental health literacy. With your help, more can be done!

Take this opportunity to empower through education by donating to MHANYS' Community Mental Health Education Fund. The fund focuses on mental health equity and social determinants of mental health.

Please select a donation amount, let us know if this is a gift, and fill in the information in the appropriate sections below.

Every $100 donated provides a free 'seat' in a training for a community member, $4,500 supports a full class.

Make a GIFT IN HONOR of a Specific Person or Special Occasion
Make a gift in honor of a specific person, event (birthday, anniversary or special occasion) or to celebrate the life of a loved one. An honor gift is a great way to show your appreciation. Please indicate the full name and address of the person you wish to honor below so that we may notify them of your kindness and thoughtfulness.

A Memorial Gift is a thoughtful way to pay special tribute to a loved one in remembrance. In the Additional Information box, please indicate the name and address of the family member you would like us to notify of your gift.



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For In Memoriam Gifts: Please fill out information below so that we can notify a Family Member or Loved One of your gift.
Donor Information
Please provide any details you wish regarding this donation.
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