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Mental Health Update

June 4, 2024
Mental Health Update

Support for Social Media Legislation

Governor Hochul has gone around New York State discussing the importance of internet safety bills in regard to the mental health of young people. Last week, she went to our offices in Albany touting support for this legislation.  It is an incredibly important piece of legislation that MHANYS strongly supports.

MHANYS Vice-Chair, Bill Gettman (also CEO of Northern Rivers) has had letters to the editor in support of this legislation in newspapers across New York State. This is one that was published in the Binghamton media.

In addition, MHANYS has enclosed our memo of support.

It’s essential Albany politicians pass these two internet safety bills

As we head toward the end of the NYS Legislative session, we need to pass two critical internet safety bills — the Stop Addictive Feeds Exploitation for Kids Act (SAFE for Kids Act) and the Child Data Protection Act.

The SAFE for Kids Act seeks to “prohibit social media platforms from providing an addictive feed to children younger than age 18 without parental consent and prohibits social media platforms from withholding non-addictive feed products or services where that consent is not obtained,” while the Child Data Protection Act would significantly rein in youth internet data collection.

Kids and teens now spend more than five hours per day on their screens. They miss out on physical activity, social interaction and healthy rest.

Parents, teachers, therapists, educators and human services professionals are worried about the uncontrolled world of social media influences, and the uncertain future that lies ahead if we don’t put on the brakes now.

William Gettman
