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Mental Health Update

June 7, 2024
Mental Health Update

Saying Goodbye To Assembly Mental Health Chair Aileen Gunther

Today is supposed to be the last day of legislative session which means that Assembly member Aileen Gunther will be stepping down as Assembly Mental Health Chair after a dozen years.  Over that time, she has accomplished so much in terms of services, supports and equity.  I would need pages to list her accomplishments in mental health.   She is a passionate advocate and once she is on an issue, she is as determined as anyone to succeed.  I have seen this first hand on issues around mental health education, medication access and public awareness. She garners respect because she speaks with intelligence and from the heart.

 I’ve have had the pleasure of working with her for the last dozen years and it has been a heck of a ride. She has become a good friend who possess a great sense of humor and so much compassion.  When I think of her, the quote that comes to mind is from Maya Angelou, “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel”

 I went over to her office today to say goodbye.  She will be greatly missed.