Mental Health Update

Register today for the March 20 Regional Advisory Committee – Community Engagement Feedback
What: Regional Advisory Committee
When: March 20, 2023 8:30 AM to 12:30pm Eastern Time (US and Canada)
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Description: The Regional Advisory Committee is a public meeting for consumers/survivors/ex- DRAFT AGENDA (subject to change) 8:30am-8:35am Networking, Sound Check, Orientation to the technology 8:35am-9:00am Announcements from community partners: Mental Health Empowerment Project (MHEP), Families Together in NYS (FTNYS), Youth Power, NY Association of Psychiatric Rehabilitation Services (NYAPRS), National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), Mental Health Association of NYS (MHANYS) 9:00am-9:30am Updates from Office of Advocacy and Peer Support Services team 9:30am-10:00am Updates from Commissioner Ann Sullivan & Chief Fiscal Officer Emil Slane 10:00 – 10:45am Community Engagement Feedback 10:45-10:55 –Assignment for breakout rooms/brainstorming 10:55am-12:10pm Brainstorming groups 12:10pm-12:15pm Return to main session 12:15pm-12:30pm Report outs from breakout sessions. RAC dates for the rest of 2023: March 20th, May 22nd, July 17th, September 18th, November 20th. To register go to:
Questions to consider for the topic: If your community had new Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) teams or Critical Time Intervention (CTI) teams, for adults and/or children, what would you want to see them used for? Is there a gap in housing services in your community? If so, what ideas do you have for addressing those gaps as we plan and implement the new services we’re talking about today? What do you think would be helpful to support the mental health of children in schools? As we consider these changes, what, if anything, is not working in your community that may cause a challenge to implement the changes? What would you suggest for addressing that? What should the process look like for individuals or families seeking mental health services, so the process is timely and customer-oriented? What could the mental health care system do to help address disparities in access to services and quality of services? For example, be more actively engaging for people from different backgrounds? How do you think hospital inpatient programs, emergency rooms, and Comprehensive Psychiatric Emergency Programs (CPEPs) could do better to meet community needs? Are there ways people in your community feel they can give feedback about the mental health system and be heard? |