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Mental Health Update

July 31, 2020
Mental Health Update

MH Update – 7/31/20 – Please Call Senators Schumer and Gillibrand Today and Monday and urge them to demand Federal Emergency Relief Funding to NYS

All of the behavioral health community is working together to get federal funding to New York State to insure that behavioral health service withholds are not turned into cuts. We need your help today and Monday by taking a few minutes to call up Senators Schumer and Gillibrand with the message that we posted below. Help save our community.

A   L   E   R   T

Call on Senators Schumer and Gillibrand to Demand that Federal Emergency Relief Funding is
Allocated to the States.

COVID-19 has devastated the United States economy
and eviscerated the tax revenue that governments
need to provide essential services.

States, Cities and Counties from across
the United States are about to run out of money.
Medicaid and education systems will be devastated.
Wages won’t be paid.
Vital services like behavioral healthcare won’t be delivered at a time when they’re most desperately needed.

Only the Federal Government has
the ability to solve this problem!


New York Senators Chuck Schumer and Kristen Gillibrand
Must Take the Lead 

Call Senator Schumer Now at 202-224-6542
Call Senator Gillibrand Now at 202-224-4451

and insist that “that the Senate must not pass another bill
without ensuring that the next round of Federal Emergency Relief funding addresses the disaster in our states!”