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Mental Health Update

July 16, 2019
Mental Health Update

MH Update – 7/16/19 – State Education Commissioner MaryEllen Elia to resign

Yesterday, Education Commissioner MaryEllen Elia announced her resignation at the end of August. We will greatly miss her and her dedication to advocating for mental health prevention and wellness programs in schools.

There was a two year window between Governor Cuomo signing the mental health education bill into law and actual implementation. Early on in the process, we were able to engage with Commissioner Elia at our mental health education symposium. Specifically at the symposium, she referenced the need for the creation of a Mental Health Advisory Committee comprised of Education and Mental Health Advocates. True to her word, the Advisory Committee was formed and ultimately created a Guidance Document that has been used as a guide for teaching about mental health in schools.

Along with OMH Commissioner Sullivan, Commissioner Elia knew that the legislation could serve as a springboard for changing school climate making it more conducive to, not just providing mental health instruction, but to recognizing the importance of prevention and mental health wellness.

She will be greatly missed for her vision and commitment to mental health.


State Education Commissioner MaryEllen Elia to resign

ALBANY — State Education Commissioner MaryEllen Elia will resign from her post by the end of August to pursue another job, a spokeswoman for the state Education Department confirmed Monday.

Elia, who was appointed in 2015, made the surprise announcement and submitted a letter of resignation Monday at the Board of Regents monthly meeting in Albany, signalling that her next role may involve national education policy.