MHANYS and many of our colleagues in the behavioral health community are working with our Congressional delegation to advocate for funding for New York State in the next stimulus package.
If the next stimulus package does not reflect additional State funding than we are well aware of the draconian cuts likely to occur. That is why we are strongly advocating, that if we face budget cuts in New York, behavioral health is held harmless from these cuts. The behavioral health impact of COVID-19 and the unrest we are facing in this country will have effects for many years to come through increased trauma, depression, anxiety, suicidal ideation, substance use and much more.
Many of our colleagues are coming forward in support of ‘holding behavioral health harmless’ from any cuts. One such example was the resolution last week from the Putnam County Legislature in support of not cutting behavioral health funding. We thank the Putnam County Legislature, Mental Health and Social Services Commissioner Mike Piazza, Putnam MHA Director Megan Castellano and Kelly Hansen, the Director of the Conference of Local Mental Hygiene Director for their support. This messaging must continue across New York State.
In order to be New York Tough, we need to be Behavioral Health Strong