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Mental Health Update

June 7, 2021
Mental Health Update

MH Update – 6/7/21 – Please Support Consumer Protections for Adult Home Residents by Calling Your Legislators Now!

With only a few days left of Legislative Session, there are several issues of significance to our community. One of the most important is to support common sense protections for residents of adult homes.

Please take a few minutes to call your legislators and let them know about your support.

  • Contact your legislator today to protect adult home residents by
    supporting A.00196/S01576. This bill will: Adjust the maximum fine from $1,000 (set in 1977) to $2,000 per day per violation, and for repeat violations, $3,000;
  • Require penalties when residents are endangered or harmed, or when violations are repeated.

Please reach out to your local legislators using this  tool now!