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Mental Health Update

June 2, 2022
Mental Health Update

06/2/2022 – Support for Legislation to allow Pharmacies to Administer Long Acting Injectables (LAI)

MHANYS strongly supports legislation introduced by Senator Breslin (S4870)and Assembly member McDonald (A3040B) that authorizes pharmacies to administer Long Acting Injectables (LAI) medication for various mental health and substance use disorders including antipsychotic medication to people in need.Many New Yorkers living with serious mental health issues rely on mental health clinics and hospitals to receive their LAI’s which aren’t always convenient to access especially in some rural areas. This can result in patients not receiving their medication, which can result in negative outcomes. Pharmacies, however, are well-equipped and well-positioned for access. Their proximity in the community to patient homes and relatively extensive hours of operation make pharmacies convenient and accessible Additionally, pharmacies are able to maintain a large medication inventory, something medical offices are not well-suited for.

Currently, pharmacists in 33 states have authority to administer LAI antipsychotics and an additional 12 states allow pharmacies to administered LAI antipsychotic medication with a collaborative practice agreement in place. New York should join these states and extend access to its residents in need of convenient and reliable access to long acting psychiatric medications.

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Glenn Liebman
194 Washington Avenue, Suite 415
Albany, N.Y. 12210
Follow Me on Twitter @MHANYSCEO