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Mental Health Update

May 10, 2022
Mental Health Update

05/10/2022 – MAY 11 – CALL TO ACTION: Mental Health in the Workplace Legislation

Please call tomorrow and urge support for this important bill helping employer and employees gain greater information about mental health in the workplace.


This Legislation Would Result In:

  • Mental health postings in the workplace:  Every employee is entitled to know about all of their rights in the workplace including their mental health rights. This legislation will ensure that these rights are clearly posted in the workplace just as other rights, such as minimum wages, workers compensation and physical disability rights.
  • Voluntary guidelines in the workplace: Mental health awareness and literacy in the workplace leads to healthy work environments for all New Yorkers. Through this legislation, employers will have access to accurate and reliable mental health information and resources that they can make available to their employees and use to inform workplace policies.

See the full text of this legislation by clicking here

Read the bill sponsor’s memo here

Call today and urge Senate Majority Leader Stewart-Cousins and Speaker Heastie to pass
S.7577 (Brouk)/A.8675 (Gunther) into law!

Senator Andrea Stewart-Cousins President Pro Tempore and Majority Leader (518) 455-2715 

Assemblymember Carl E. Heastie
Speaker of the Assembly

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Every employee is entitled to know about all of their rights in the workplace, including their mental health rights. Learn more at

Mental health awareness and literacy in the workplace leads to healthy work environments for all New Yorkers. Learn more at

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