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Mental Health Update

April 29, 2021
Mental Health Update

MH Update – 4/29/21 – Please Sign MHANYS Petition to Support Mental Health and Wellness in New York’s Workplaces

On behalf of MHANYS, we would like to sincerely thank you for signing on to our “Support Mental Health & Wellness in New York’s Workplaces!” petition and supporting increased mental health resources and postings in the workplace. Your support is invaluable to us, and we wanted to provide you all with an update on where we stand.

Currently, our petition has been signed by over 350 individuals! We will be bringing both of these proposals to members of the New York State Legislature, working with partners to bring both of these topics to Legislator’s attention. We can not do this without your support! As we meet with Legislators on these proposals, we will be using your collective support through this petition to show that these proposals are vital for New York’s workforce and our communities.

We will continue to keep you informed of how this process develops, and please continue to share amongst your friends, families, and networks! We can not do this without your continued support.

Access the “Support Mental Health & Wellness in New York’s Workplaces!” petition here –

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