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Mental Health Update

April 17, 2020
Mental Health Update

MH Update – 4/17/20 – Special Thanks to Lieutenant Governor Kathy Hochul for participating in Today’s MHANYS Panel on Maintaining Mental Health in Schools during Social Distances: Webinar is Attached

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We have had a series of panels all week related to Maintaining Mental Health in Schools during Social Distances for Tier 1, 2 and 3. We are very appreciative of all the panelists as well as Amy Molloy, the Director of MHANYS School Mental Health Resource and Training Center, who moderated all the panels. All told, we had almost 2000 people that viewed the panels and countless others who viewed the recorded versions. Based on the content of the questions, there clearly is a great need that is out there to work with stakeholders during this challenging time. We will continue providing as much content that is needed.

We especially want to thank Lieutenant Governor Kathy Hochul who presented at today’s panel discussion. She did a tremendous job of laying out all the issues and concerns that teachers students and their families have to deal with during COVID-19. She also highlighted the important role that organizations like MHANYS will play moving forward as students, parents and the communities deal with the long term issues of trauma, isolation and anxiety. As MHA’s and our colleagues have proven time after time, we are the ones who always rise up to the challenges for those in greatest need.

The link to all three panels is listed below and note that Lt. Governor Hochul presented in the third panel. We again thank her and Governor Cuomo for their advocacy and recognition of the importance of the inclusion of mental health in schools.

