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Mental Health Update

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March 31, 2022
Mental Health Update

03/31/20022 – Spend Three Minutes to Help Generate Support for an 11% COLA: Leaders are Listening

Please keep up your calls—people are listening. Yesterday when we were handing out our literature, I was told by leadership staff in Assembly and Senate that they are receiving an enormous amount of phone calls.  Our friends at ACL also told me that members have generated over 150,000 letters. That’s right—not 1500, 15,000 but 150,000—just incredible.


Rumors are that the Legislature and Governor might be coming to an agreement on bail reform and then other issues will likely come into place. Talk is about Legislature and the Governor negotiating through tomorrow in person then coming back on Sunday and possibly passing the final budget on Monday but this is Albany so one never knows for sure. Regardless of rumors, our job is to fight for the COLA.

Please keep those calls coming…