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Mental Health Update

March 20, 2020
Mental Health Update

MH Update – 3/20/20 – Need Full Support for Prescriber Prevails

As everyone is working hard to pull together collectively around this pandemic, we need every resource possible in our arsenal to help respond.  One fix that is not expensive and would greatly help and support mental health and other communities is Prescriber Prevails.

As we know Prescriber Prevails has been an important safeguard for individuals in the public mental health system. Without those protections, health plans could provide medication only on their formulary which are not necessarily those recommended by the individual’s prescriber.

In this time of crisis, we want to make sure that individuals, based on consultation with their Prescriber get the appropriate medication for their mental health or physical health related issue.

The Legislature has always strongly supported Prescriber Prevails. We need their continued support.  As the Governor has done on so many issues of importance to our community, we need his support for the protection of Prescriber Prevails.  We strongly urge full support for this important consumer protection.