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Mental Health Update

March 20, 2020
Mental Health Update

MH Update – 3/20/20 – How MHANYS can help

Listed below is a piece about some of the resources and support MHANYS can provide during this pandemic whether for adults, families, youth, educators, providers and employers.  Also our members across the State are doing the hard and courageous work of supporting those in greatest need through direct support. The list of MHAs is included in our web page among the resources.    Stay safe.

Special Message from MHANYS CEO, Glenn Liebman

In a time of crisis, we have an incredible ability to lift each other up. Over the course of my life, I have witnessed the assassination of inspirational leaders, 9/11, several wars, the explosion of the Challenger and so much more. Those times of crisis can bring out the best in people.

The individuals that work in our MHAs and other human services agencies are on the frontlines of the coronavirus. While we do not yet know the breadth of the virus, we do know that we will get through this and at the end be stronger than ever. This confidence is instilled in me because I know the kind of people that shape our sector. They are resilient, compassionate and dedicated to the people they work with.

We know that we have a responsibility to help provide resources for those with mental health-related issues as well as the general population:

To that end, please take a minute to review the resources that we have available to help people respond to this virus. Whether you are an individual, a family member, an educator a student, a provider or an employer, we have useful, pragmatic information that will help you with your mental health and wellness during this trying time. Our website at is filled with this content. For students, teachers, and families, another great site links to the MHANYS School Mental Health and Training Resource Center at .  We are constantly updating our resources as well as those of other content experts. They are posted on our social media sites on Twitter and on Facebook. In addition, if you want to find out the latest on statewide policy related to the coronavirus, sign on to our Mental Health Updates. You can also always reach out to us through our Mental Health Information Center at

Please take care of your mental health and be safe.