Now is a critical moment in the fight to pass the HALT Solitary Confinement Act and we need your help! In New York prisons and jails, people are locked in solitary confinement for weeks, months, years—even decades. They’re disproportionately Black and Latinx people and people with mental illness. The HALT bill, which would end this torture, has unprecedented majority support in the State Legislature, but our elected reps need to hear from us that passing it is urgent and call a vote on the bill.
3 Easy Steps to #HALTsolitary in New York!
1.) Please use this quick and easy Phone 2 Action Tool TODAY to call, email, and tweet at your NYS Legislators and urge them to pass the HALT Solitary Confinement Act and end this racist torture.
2.) We are looking for a groundswell of support this week, so use the tool TODAY and get the word out on social media using this sample social media guide.
3.) In addition to using the tool yourself and boosting it on social media, please forward this email to 5-10 people living anywhere in NY State right now!
Thank you!