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Mental Health Update

March 2, 2021
Mental Health Update

MH Update – 3/2/21 – Restoration of the 20% Withholds to Mental Health

One of the major issues that impacted the budget during COVID was the 20% withholds across the board in various sectors including mental health.  It has been devastating to witness an already underfunded system (that is also facing a mental health pandemic) to have to cut funding by twenty percent since July 1.

Thanks to the advocacy voices of our community and the Executive, Division of Budget and Office of Mental Health, the withholds are being restored to the community and quickly. Counties will get notice of these increases in the next few days and in turn funding should be restored to providers.

This is important but it is just part of the picture.  The Executive budget proposes a five percent cut to mental health services moving forward.  The entire behavioral health community remains vigilant in fighting any proposed cuts.

Please keep raising your voices. Only through your advocacy will thing change as witnessed by this positive turn

Glenn Liebman
194 Washington Avenue, Suite 415
Albany, N.Y. 12210

Support MHANYS Mental Health Matters Week
March 8th—12th