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Mental Health Update

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February 7, 2022
Mental Health Update

02/07/2022 – Register for MHANYS Mental Health Matters Days 2022: March 8th and 9th

On March 8th and 9th, we will be holding our annual Mental Health Matters Advocacy Days.

On the 8th, we will have hold four panel discussion on School Mental Health, College Mental Health Advocacy, Advancing Family and Community Wellbeing and 988.

On the 9th, we will be holding our annual Legislative Day with invited speakers including Governor Hochul (who spoke at last year’s event), Mental Health Commissioner Sullivan, Senate Mental Hygiene Chair, Samra Brouk and Assembly Mental Hygiene Chair Aileen Gunther as well as several other dignitaries. We will be discussing the budget impact to MHANYS and our members as well as updates on School Mental Health services. We will follow up with our annual rally.

Both days are virtual events so please register now.


DAY 1: Tuesday, March 8, 2022
10 AM – 11 AM
From Classroom to Community: Creating and Sustaining Partnerships to Support and Positively Impact Student Mental Health
Schools are a key component not only to student success, health and vitality but also to their communities. New resources, funding sources and innovations in service delivery present opportunities for schools, community organizations and behavioral and mental health providers to collaborate and engage in ways that creatively and effectively meet the mental health needs facing our students today. Leaders from a variety of roles from across New York will discuss the challenges and strategies of successful school/community partnerships.

11 AM – 12 PM
Advancing College Mental Health Public Policy
Learn how MHANYS is responding to a college mental health crisis that has been growing for years and has recently been exacerbated by the COVID pandemic. Hear the public policy recommendations that MHANYS is calling for in its white paper on mental health and higher education. Representatives from colleges react and offer their perspective.

12 PM – 1 PM
Lunch Break

1 PM – 2 PM
Advancing Family and Community Wellbeing: Healing Centered Engagement
When we take on the perspective of a whole-person approach to well-being, and address factors that constitute whole-person, family and community health, the vision is clear: community well-being is not in isolation of our own health and wellness and vice versa. This conversation will introduce the role of healing centered engagement: a trauma informed response that focuses not only on individual trauma, but addresses the health and function of the community. Panelists will share grassroots advocacy efforts for advancing healthy communities with an emphasis on MHANYS CarePath™ – a program offering a holistic approach in supporting the health and wellbeing of families and their communities.

2 PM – 3 PM
988: Getting Ready for Statewide Implementation in July
Join MHANYS as we have a discussion with stakeholders about what the landscape will look like for crisis services for behavioral health after the implementation of 988 in July, 2022. Discussion points will include training needs of regional 988 workers; links to mobile crisis teams and Crisis Stabilization Centers and points of access to community providers.

DAY 2:
Wednesday, March 9, 2022

10 AM – 12 PM
MHANYS Legislative Policy Briefing
Join MHANYS CEO and Public Policy Director as they provide an overview of key mental health legislative initiatives for 2022. A broad-base of mental health policy issues will be discussed with an emphasis on preparing advocates to make informed arguments with state legislators. The focus from 10 am to 11 am will be on issues particularly important to MHANYS affiliates and other mental health advocates, such as funding in the state budget for the workforce, supportive housing and community investment. From 11 am to 12 pm the policy focus will shift to mental health and education. Needed funding for MHANYS School Mental Health Resource and Training Center will be addressed along with mental health training for school personnel, suicide prevention,  mental health absence days and more. Relevant state agency officials, legislators and advocates will be participating in this 2-hour policy briefing. Please join us and get equipped to make the critical arguments you’ll need as a mental health advocate.

12 PM – 1 PM
Virtual Mental Health Matters Rally

After the Policy Briefing, MHANYS will guide you through a virtual Mental Health Matters rally. Unify your voice with other advocates to draw legislative attention to the important mental health issues of the day. Share why mental health matters to you and “march” with us virtually around the State Capital.