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Mental Health Update

February 28, 2022
Mental Health Update

MH Update – 2/28/2022 – Follow Up on College Mental Health White Paper Media Interest

MHANYS White Paper Report on College Mental Health has been receiving a lot of media interest. There have been several recent television and radio stories as well as stories in the Albany Times Union and The Press Republican.The top talking points remain the creation of a Mental Health Literacy campaign comprised of students, professors, administrators and all stake holders. Everyone in a school setting should have a basic knowledge of mental health and how to respond to a crisis situation.

The other key talking point is ‘Whole Health Parity’, much like Insurance Parity, everyone with a mental health issue in school must be treated the same as someone with a physical health issue whether it comes to leaves of absences, suspensions, scholarships or any other initiatives.

Also, we thank and support the leadership of Senator Stavisky in having held budget hearings regarding CUNY and SUNY as well as the 2021 addition of mental health funding for the public university system. There is also additional support for colleges in the 2022 Legislature including Senator Anna Kaplan’s proposed legislation that calls for SUNY and CUNY Schools to be well trained in mental health education and the movement to insure that mental health is treated no differently than physical health on college campuses. We also support Senator Brouk’s legislation that would provide that all college and university student ID’s must include 988.

We look forward to additional conversation with the Legislature and Executive around College Mental Health initiatives.


Times Union Article Link

Press Republican Article Link