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Mental Health Update

February 16, 2021
Mental Health Update

MH Update – 2/16/21 – Protocols for Direct Care Staff to Return to Work

Subject: Protocols for Direct Care Staff to Return to Work

Please review the attached “Revised Protocols for Personnel in Clinical and Direct Care Settings to Return to Work Following COVID-19 Exposure or Infection.”

The advisory provides return-to-work guidance for:

  • Asymptomatic Staff Exposed to COVID-19
  • Asymptomatic Exposed Staff During a Staffing Shortage
  • Staff Who Travel Out of State
  • Staff With Confirmed or Suspected COVID-19
  • Staff who have been in close contact with someone who has COVID-19—excluding people who have had COVID-19 within the past 3 months.

The guidance also includes a link to an attestation form that must be filled out and submitted to OMH before any asymptomatic exposed staff is approved by the agency to return to the work location

This guidance DOES NOT pertain to OMH-licensed Article 31 programs operated by and located in Article 28 General Medical Hospitals (e.g. CPEPs, inpatient psychiatric units) which must follow the same staffing shortage procedures that apply to the overall hospital. Please refer to guidance from the NYS Department of Health.


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Office of Mental Health
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Albany, NY 12229

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