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Mental Health Update

December 10, 2021
Mental Health Update

MH Update – 12/10/2021 – Reminder: OMH’s 2021 COVID-19 Impact Survey for Recipients of Mental Health Services

Reminder: OMH’s 2021 COVID-19 Impact Survey for Recipients of Mental Health Services

Thank you to all of you that already submitted their responses. This is a reminder that the OMH is still collecting responses for this survey from individuals (children/adolescents, young adults, adults) who receive services from any OMH licensed, funded, or designated program. Please disseminate as appropriate.


Please click ‘Submit’ to submit your responses after completing the survey.

OMH expects to close the survey on January 28th, 2022.

Now Available! Paper version of the survey in English. Please see attached.

A Spanish version of the survey is forthcoming shortly, and will be available both online and on paper. We encourage providers to offer the survey on paper if a recipient cannot access the online survey. Following completion of a paper survey, we ask that programs or individuals assisting the recipient enter the recipient’s responses to the online version. This allows OMH to receive the responses most efficiently. If that’s not possible, you can scan the paper surveys and email to
*  Please ensure no personal health information is on the form. OMH has a limited capacity to mail paper surveys — if any of the above options are not feasible, or if you have questions about the survey, please email *

Please see the original survey **announcement** below.


The Office of Mental Health is conducting a survey to better understand the impact and aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic in communities statewide. *The survey focuses specifically on the pandemic’s effects on individuals who receive public mental health services.* This input is critical for evaluating, prioritizing, and implementing policy and program decisions. To ensure a comprehensive approach that best meets the needs of service recipients and includes a variety of perspectives, individuals with lived experience were actively a part of the development process. The Office of Mental Health is grateful for their input and leadership.

The Office of Mental Health is looking for *responses from individuals (children/adolescents, young adults, adults) who receive services from any OMH licensed, funded, or designated program*. These programs can include, but are not limited to: clinic, supportive housing, Personalized Recovery Oriented Services, Recovery Centers, Home and Community Based Services, Peer Services, and inpatient services. For a comprehensive list of OMH programs,
If you cannot access the website, a list of programs is accessible in the survey. *This survey is anonymous.*

The Office of Mental Health recognizes that some individuals receiving services may have trouble accessing the survey, so we’re asking service providers, advocates, and other supporters to reach out to service recipients and complete the survey with them or on their behalf. *If you are filling out the survey on behalf of a service recipient, please answer consistently as that service recipient.* Individuals can also call the Office of Consumer Affairs to participate in the survey over the phone


Please click ‘Submit’ to submit your responses after completing the survey.

QR code for survey: