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Mental Health Update

November 9, 2021
Mental Health Update

MH Update 11/9/2021 – MHANYS Testimony on the Assembly Mental Health Hearing on Workforce

Today the NYS Assembly Committee on Mental Health held a hearing specifically geared to workforce. MHANYS and all our statewide mental health colleagues spoke strongly about the need for a 5.4% COLA and the need for a $500 million investment in behavioral health. The drumbeat to ‘Open the Door for 5.4’ continues to grow as all of us lay out the impact that COVID and the economy has had on our sector in terms of job vacancy and loss.

The time is ripe for action. We have what appears to be a strong budget year, a Governor who has shown support for human services and a pandemic that has disproportionately impacted mental health. If ever there was a time to change the trajectory of funding, this is that time.

Thanks to Assembly Mental Health Chair, Aileen Gunther, for holding this hearing.