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Mental Health Update

October 20, 2020
Mental Health Update

MH Update – 10/20/20 – MHANYS Resources in Recognition of October as Bullying Prevention Month

MHANYS School Mental Health Resource and Training Center, in consultation with State and National Experts, has put together a series of resources around bullying prevention in recognition of October as Bullying Prevention Month. Among the highlights including an e-book and an array of other resources. Also this Friday at 8:30, we will be screening the IndieFlix documentary, The Upstanders, followed by a discussion with experts.

MHANYS would like to thank the Office of Mental Health for their support of this project. Information listed below


October is National Bullying Prevention Awareness Month.  Across all ages and communities, the prevalence of bullying among students continues to be a major concern for schools and families. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, 1 in 5 students ages twelve to eighteen reported being bullied at school. In New York State, the problems mirror those in schools throughout the U.S. The impact of bullying on the school culture and climate, as well as the mental health of both the target and those who bully, is significant and the need for further understanding of how we can prevent bullying is essential. School administrators and staff, teachers, students, families, and caregivers all have a role in the prevention of bullying, but need the tools and resources to be effective.

MHANYS is grateful for funding and support from the New York State Office of Mental Health which has enabled the School Mental Health Resource and Training Center to develop a comprehensive array of resources being highlighted this month. Resources include an e-book titled, Safe Space: Creating a Positive School Culture to Prevent Bullying. The purpose of this e-book is to help schools, families and communities identify strategies and resources to create a safe learning environment for all children, one where bullying is not given the opportunity to flourish. Instead, kindness and respect become the mainstays of the school-community culture, replacing the divisiveness that can become all too common in our society. Our approach is guided by the belief that, in order to reduce harmful interactions between children, we need to empower the entire school community with mindful strategies to create a culture unaccommodating to these encounters. This is achieved with a multifaceted approach of mental health and bullying prevention education, social-emotional learning, restorative and non punitive policies, and the creation of a caring community. Other resources include online training for teachers (to be released later this month), prevention education resources for schools, and a recording of our Cyberbullying webinar recorded earlier this year.

Finally, this Friday, October 23 from 7 to 8:30 pm, we are excited to host a screening of the IndieFlix documentary, The Upstanders, followed by an impressive panel of NYS experts:

– Amanda Nickerson, Alberti Center for Bullying Abuse Prevention
– Pat Breux, Suicide Prevention Center of New York
– Barbara Bernstein, MHA of Westchester County


To register for the film screening and view our resources, visit: