Consider joining 50 agencies across the state that have signed on as a Mental Health Community Partner Site.
The Mental Health Association in New York State (MHANYS) received funding from the NYS Office of Mental Health to support intergenerational family mental health. MHCP assists individuals over the age of twelve experiencing a setback in managing their behavioral health and need support transitioning to wellness. Certified Community Partners offer the individual in recovery and their family members or chosen supporters to all participate together in defining their own mind-body health; thus resulting in a healthier support system. MHCP offers a multidimensional approach and is another community resource. Project sites receive scholarships for staff to receive free certification in the MHCP program model, and if trained by 12/31/2023 recertification at no cost.
MHCP is a non-clinical program fostering recovery and mind-body health and healing.
For agencies that employ CASAC Counselors, NYS Peer Support Specialists, Family Peer Advocates and Youth Peer Advocates and Peer Bridgers their staff are eligible for 20 renewable clock credit hours.
Ultimately MHCP training supports workforce wellness as the MHCP program brings a wellness perspective that is organic in shifting the workforce culture, and modeling messaging characteristic of a wellness mindset. Through participation in the MHCP certification training agencies offer professional development. Check out the website at
On June 6th ,MHANYS hosted a Family Engagement Summit at the Desmond in Albany to gather all Mental Health Community Partners and CarePath Coaches to explore best practices, provide support, and strengthen the network of mental health advocates across New York State. Wellness is in partnership with others. MHANYS is offering another MHCP Summit at the end of this year.

Questions reach out to:
MHANYS CEO Glenn Liebman at Deborah Faust at