Yesterday MHANYS participated in a press conference with Senators Andrew Gounardes, Samra Brouk and Lea Webb and Assemblymember Joanne Simon in support of (Gounardes)S.6537-G and (Simon) A.6665. This bill would reform the way that New York State is engaged in lock down drills. Recent studies have shown that the trauma, depression and anxiety of students increases after these drills. The same is true for many educators. In addition, families are often faced with the trauma of their loved one coming home and knowing nothing about the fact that the school had a drill that day. We all know, sadly, that there is a need for drills but this legislation provides a common sense response that limits the traumatic impact for our loved ones. In addition, the State Education Department has promulgated regulations that also address the trauma concerns of these drills.
We urge support for this legislation before the end of this session.
Listed below is MHANYS Memo in Support of this Legislation.