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Mental Health Update

April 16, 2024
Mental Health Update

Governor Hochul Announces ‘Parameters of a Conceptual Agreement’ on Budget

Governor Hochul just provided a conceptual agreement on the State Budget.  While it appears that major issues have been addressed, there will likely be continued negotiations on some issues that need to be agreed to in the budget.

No Mention of COLA

From our perspective, the Number One Priority continues to be a 3.2% Flexible COLA Adjustment.  While the Governor did talk about mental health, she did not address the COLA which means that it is likely still being negotiated. Keep those calls and meetings coming.

Strong Mental Health Parity Language

A few issues that were addressed in mental health include parity. It is remarkable to have a Governor in NYS address parity as part of a budget agreement.  This potentially has huge ramifications for individuals to get an appointments within ten days even if it is out of network.  We will have more on that language as soon as it comes out.

Housing, Discharge Plans and School Based Mental Health Clinics

The Governor touched on supported housing, strong follow up for aftercare for those discharged from hospitals with a serious mental health issue and school based mental health clinics.


Pension/Retirement System for Not for Profits:

In regard to our work around pension reform for not for profits, she talked about how the new modified Tier 6 retirement plan for state workers will be amended to create a greater benefit for those entering the state workforce.  She recognizes the importance of pensions and retirements in stabilizing the workforce. This is the same logic that we are doing by advocating for the not for profit workforce to have a retirement system in place.

More to come.