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Mental Health Update

April 28, 2023
Mental Health Update

Call to Action: Support Mental Health Workforce Funding and Community Support: A Conceptual Budget Agreement Does Not Mean that Everything has been worked out including the COLA Please send a letter today.

Last night the Governor announced a conceptual budget agreement.

There are still issues that have been left unaddressed. Among those are the 8.5% COLA for the human service workforce.   Now more than ever, we need your support for the COLA.  Please continue to write your legislator and highlight what a priority it is to have the COLA for the workforce and for provider agencies. Your voice must be heard

Last night I was on Capitol Tonight with Susan Arbetter, highlighting the significance of the COLA.  The link is attached below.–8-5–cost-of-living-adjustment-needed-for-mental-health-workers  

Take Action Now

Support Mental Health Workforce Funding and Community Support

“We need an 8.5% Cost of Living Adjustment for the Mental Health Workforce”

So far, the Senate and House have included the 8.5% COLA for mental health workforce funding. Thank you for helping to make this happen. Let’s make our voices heard again!

Click ACT NOW to send an email to your representative in support.


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