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Mental Health Update

Posted in:
January 30, 2024
Mental Health Update

Call in Day on Friday, February 2nd to Restore the $228 million cut to Medicaid which will greatly impact Children’s Health Homes and Care Management

Governor Hochul’s initial budget proposal includes a proposed $228 million cut in Medicaid funding that would severely impact Children’s Health Homes and devastate our Care Management services. To be blunt, we cannot allow this to happen. To prevent this, we need your help.

Per NYS law, at any time within 30 days of submitting the executive budget and implementing bills to the Legislature, the governor may unilaterally amend or supplement the budget plan or any of the bills.  In other words, we need to motivate Governor Hochul to introduce what’s called a 30-day budget amendment restoring the Children’s Health Home budget cut.

As part of our statewide campaign, We are asking everyone to call the Governor’s office this Friday, February 2, at 518.474.8390, and personalize and share the message below.

“Hello. My name is ___________. I live in _____________, and I’m a human services professional. Children’s Health Homes provide 30,000 of New York’s most vulnerable children with the guidance they need to keep them out of emergency room, hospitals, and residential placements. Without these critical services, these children and their families will be left alone to struggle. I want to urge the governor to introduce a 30-day budget amendment to restore the Children’s Health Home budget cut. This is her chance to stand up for children’s mental health. We’re counting on her!”