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Mental Health Update

April 16, 2020
Mental Health Update

MH Update – 4/16/20 – Breaking News: Lieutenant Governor Kathy Hochul to join MHANYS Webinar tomorrow (April 17th) at 2 o’clock with MHANYS School Mental Health Resource and Training Center

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We are honored to have Lieutenant Governor Kathy Hochul join MHANYS Webinar tomorrow at 2:00 to provide an overview of the state’s efforts around mental health and schools. We are very appreciative of Governor Cuomo and Lieutenant Governor Hochul’s leadership in helping New York lead the way in the inclusion of mental health in schools.

TIER 3: Friday, April 17 at 2 pm
Discussion topics: strategies to maintain school-based student support services during remote learning, respond to crisis situations and prepare for the return to school, including increases in trauma and grief.

Here is the link to register for the webinar:
Registration is limited to 1000 people. If you are unable to listen to the webinar, a recording will be available later in the day at


SCHOOL MENTAL HEALTH WEBINAR: The MHANYS School Mental Health Resource and Training Center has gathered three impressive panels of school personnel and subject matter experts to respond to questions about how schools can best maintain the mental health and wellness of students, families and staff during these challenging times.

We’ve organized our conversations by addressing the issue through the lens of a multi-tiered system of supports consistent with a school intervention framework.

Please join us for the discussions listed below which will be recorded and made available at for future viewing.

TIER 3: Friday, April 17 at 2 pm
Discussion topics: strategies to maintain school-based student support services during remote learning, respond to crisis situations, and prepare for the return to school, including increases in trauma and grief.

Panelists include:
Glenn Liebman, CEO MHANYS
Amy Molloy, Director of MHANYS School Mental Health Resource and Training
Pat Breux, Director of Youth and School Initiatives Suicide Prevention
Center of New York
John Kelly, School Psychologist, Commack School District
Cheryl Mayer, Project Facilitator of School Climate Transformation,
Syracuse City Schools
