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Mental Health Update

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October 18, 2022
Mental Health Update

10/18/2022 – Ask The Experts: LGBTQ Suicide

Thanks to our friend, Laura Evans, at Vibrant for passing this along.


Whether you’ve lost an LGBTQ loved one to suicide, are worried about someone, or just want to better understand, join us for an online conversation with Ann P. Haas, PhD, one of the nation’s leading experts on LGBTQ suicide.

The program will be streamed live on Thursday, November 3rd from 7-8:30 pm Eastern and will also be recorded (even if you can’t join us then, you can still submit questions in advance and will receive a link to the recordings afterwards).

More information and registration:

Please join us – and pass this on to anyone who may be interested. 

Made possible by the generosity of Plaza Jewish Community Chapel

Offered in collaboration with Rethink The Conversation.

Joanne L. Harpel, MPhil, JD, CT
President, Coping After Suicide®️
45 W 54th Street. Suite 3C
New York, NY 10019, USA

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