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School Groups (K-12)

Mental Health Matters Day is a great opportunity for school clubs, government classes, PTA groups, and other education stakeholders. Learn more about the day.


March 13, 2024


8:00 am – *4:00 pm


Empire State Plaza, Albany, NY

Agenda (tentative):

  • 8:00 am: Check-in
  • 9:00 am – 12:00 pm: Speakers & Rally
  • 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm: Break for Lunch
  • *1:00 pm – 4:00 pm: Meet with Legislatures (optional)

Registration for school groups is closed. 

Miss online registration but still want to attend? We’ll be at the Empire State Plaza’s Convention Hall as indicated by this map. You can register in person or call us at (518) 434-0439 to confirm your attendance.

Students can

Join the Rally

Talk with Legislatures

Share Story

Support Mental Health


Post on Social Media:

#HaveYourVoiceHeard #MentalHealthMatters

“I care about mental health because we all have it. Join me on March 13 in Albany, NY to advocate for mental health –”

“Everyone has mental health. Let’s all show our support by advocating on March 13 in Albany, NY –”


Share Marketing Materials:

Use the following School Group marketing materials to support the event.

Learn More

Legislative Action Community

Build confidence among students as they prepare to participate in grassroots advocacy and put education into action.

School Mental Health Resource and Training Center

MHANYS School Mental Health Resource and Training Center was a result of years of advocacy for the mental health education law.